Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 24: The dark side of the web

Have you ever been the target of a phishing scam? Did you recognize it as a scam right away? What tipped you off? Blog about your experiences with malware or phishing attempts - do not provide any information which may lead to a phishing attempt.

I recently had a virus destroy my computer. It had attached it's self to Limewire, a music program a friend downloaded once and I never used! It sat on my computer for 5 years before it completely shut everything down. Hence I lost everything the week before an assignment was due.

What tipped us off towards the end was the 'Blue Screen' that would pop up followed by the entire computer shutting down in the middle of what ever you were doing, writing an email, Internet banking, facebook etc. I since heard other people have had the blue screen virus as well.

I hope these people get their kicks out of it because it's costing me a fortune in getting things checked out a $200 only to find out the whole thing needs replacing. . . grrrr.