Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 13 Refreshing your blog

Apart from an assignment I have just completed requiring a blog format submission, I have regrettably not done any blogging since completing the original course. I find it hard to make the time to blog and the fact that when I get time I'm a blank slate on what to post, that doesn't help much!

However it has been fun today re-editing my blog, adding widgets and updating information, it's a bit like catching up with an old friend, you wonder why you left it so long to catch up and always declare to never leave it so long again!!


kateym said...

Forgot to say . . . .Looking forward to Twitter next week! It's one thing I haven't been able to master and have put into the too hard basket. I hate it when I feel like I'm missing out.

CatyJ said...

hey Katey - looking forward to seeing you on Twitter too!!