Thursday, October 2, 2008

mmmm Delicious .......

I believe there is much potential to use delicious in the library for both staff and clients. This could be a useful tool for library headquarters with regional branches in that by tagging useful website from anything to do with adult book clubs to children's story times or programs branches can instantly go to what there looking for with out having to wade through numerous Google and other search engine results. Also staff who work in numerous branches will have access to their tagged sites to continue working as effectively as they would have at any other branch.
I have been using delicious for over a year now and I have found it very effective especially as a great way to share with the rest of my team.


wendy's blog said...

Hi Katey, I'm looking forward to exploring Delicious. It will be very useful for me. I guess you can tag / group the sites too. I will probably catch up with you soon about this for some practical advice. rawendy!