Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week #8 – Answer boards and social searching

Maybe I'm not grasping the over all concept of this week but i have been over it a few times, i really don't like this idea and defiantly don't see a role for such an informal 'thing' in libraries. Not when there are reference services provided with in the libraray and sites like Ask Now
provided to the public where they are guaranteed a qualified librarian is attempting to answer their question.
However after using Yahoo!7 Answers I can see how this would be useful for people who would feel that the question they have is too silly or unimportant to ask a librarian for example "who sang and what are the words to the song in the new Arnotts add??"


CatyJ said...

I suppose the big thing I see with Answer boards vs. Library services such as Ask A Librarian is that with the latter you must first be thinking 'Library'. This is one way for Libraries to go to where the people are rather than try and make the people come to them.
Plus it's fun!
